Social Media Articles

Social Media Can Help Build Arab Governments Too

In the Arab world this winter, social media proved that it can facilitate rebellion and even topple regimes. Now it faces a much harder challenge. Can social media help to build new governments?

The wiki revolutions in Tunisia and Egypt happened so fast that the positive forces of change have no vanguard, or organisations enabling them to take power. The organisations with the muscle to form political parties and win an election often seek to drive society backwards.

Why Did We Ignore Obama’s Social Media Lesson?

After watching how Barack Obama revolutionized campaigning for the digital age, it’s bizarre that, nearly three years later, the parties in our election all ran old-style campaigns of the broadcast era. The upshot was a social media vacuum that was filled by many...

Profiting from Social Media

‘Macrowikinomics’ Author Don Tapscott argues social media activity will eventually become a good predictor of stock prices on Fox Business News March 28, 2011.

Mansbridge One on One Interview

I was a recent guest on Peter Mansbridge’s One on One show for the CBC and spoke about the concept of wiki revolutions, the Middle East and the principles of Macrowikinomics.

CBC: On Facebook and Grades

Don Tapscott responds to results from a study suggesting university students on Facebook receive lower grades.

Young people are the most active online reputation managers

A new report says that a growing portion of adult internet users are concerned about their digital online identity.  More than half (57%) of internet users over age 18 say they have used a search engine to look up their name and see what information was available...