Big Ideas



This latest book is a compilation of Don’s many convocation speeches given at Trent University during the 6 years he was Chancellor, as well as articles written by Don over the past years on blockchain, education, and the challenges and opportunities that face this generation of graduates.


Platform Revolution


This book explores the governance and adoption of digital identities, data analytics, artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, autonomous vehicles, distributed energy infrastructure, and quantum computing.


Blockchain Revolution

2018 (updated edition)


This is the first book to explain why blockchain technology – a truly open, distributed, global platform – will fundamentally change what we can achieve online, how we do it, and who can participate.

Best Selling Author

Don Tapscott

Don Tapscott is one of the world’s leading authorities on innovation, media, and the economic and social impact of technology. Named one of the world’s most important living management thinkers by Thinkers50, he advises business and government leaders around the globe. Tapscott is the author or coauthor of some of the most widely read and cited books on technology in business and society, including Paradigm Shift, The Digital Economy, Growing Up Digital, Grown Up Digital, The Naked Corporation, Digital Capital, Wikinomics, and Macrowikinomics.

Published Books

Best Sellers

Copies Sold

Praise For Blockchain Revolution

The blockchain is one of the most fundamental inventions in the history of computer science. Read Blockchain Revolution to understand its profound implications.

Marc Andreessen
Cofounder, Netscape and Andreessen Horowitz

A carefully researched and beautifully written book. Blockchain Revolution argues that the ‘Internet of value’ will transform our lives. A must-read book for our disruptive times.

Dominic Barton,
Global Managing Director, McKinsey & Company

Occasionally a book comes along that changes the global discourse. This is likely to be one of those books. Blockchains are at the heart of the Fourth Industrial Revolution and the Tapscotts lucidly explain how and how to capture the opportunity and avoid the dangers.

Klaus Schwab
Founder and Executive Chairman, World Economic Forum

The Tapscotts have written the book, literally, on how to survive and thrive in this next wave of technology-driven disruption. Likely to become one of the iconic books of our time.

Clay Christensen
Author of The Innovator’s Dilemma

Everywhere thoughtful people are trying to understand this revolutionary technology and how it might change the world. Team Tapscott has stepped up and written the book we’ve been waiting for.

Dan Schulman
CEO, Paypal

Don and Alex brilliantly illuminate the technology that could profoundly impact the way we manage issues of trust, security, and privacy for years to come.

Indra Nooyi
Chairman and CEO, PepsiCo

What a spectacular book. Mind-blowing in its expansiveness and profundity. It makes me think we’re at one of those times in technological, economic, and social history where the sky is the limit.

Steve Wozniak
Cofounder, Apple Computer and Chief Scientist, Prime Data

Other Books

The Digital Economy Anniversary Edition (2014)

The Reality Check on the accelerating Digital Revolution. If you think the last 20 years of the Internet flew by, buckle up for the next 20! A dozen lucid new chapters and brilliant Foreword by Google’s Eric Schmidt.

Radical Openness (2013)

All over the world, the way people connect and collaborate is undergoing an astonishing transformation as a result of one idea: radical openness. Smart organizations are shunning their old, secretive practices and embracing transparency, widely sharing intellectual property and collaborating on an astronomical scale.

​Macrowikinomics (2010)

In this new age of networked intelligence, businesses and communities are bypassing crumbling institutions. We are altering the way our financial institutions and governments operate; how we educate our children; and how the healthcare, newspaper, and energy industries serve their customers.

Grown Up Digital (2008)

A fascinating inside look at the Net Generation, Grown Up Digital is inspired by a $4 million private research study. New York Times bestselling author Don Tapscott has surveyed more than 11,000 young people. Instead of a bunch of spoiled “screenagers” with short attention spans and zero social skills, he discovered a remarkably bright community, which has developed revolutionary new ways of thinking, interacting, working, and socializing.

Wikinomics (2006)

A brilliant primer on one of the most profound changes of our time, Wikinomics challenges our most deeply-rooted assumptions about business and will prove indispensable to anyone who wants to understand the key forces driving competitiveness in the twenty-first century.

The Naked Corporation (2003)

We are entering an extraordinary age of transparency, where businesses must for the first time make themselves clearly visible to shareholders, customers, employees, partners, and society. Financial data, employee grievances, internal memos, environmental disasters, product weaknesses, international protests, scandals and policies, good news and bad; all can be seen by anyone who knows where to look. Welcome to the world of the naked corporation.

Digital Capital (2000)

B-webs — partner networks of producers, service providers, suppliers, infrastructure companies, and customers linked via digital channels — are destroying the firm as we have known it and generating wealth in entirely new ways. In Digital Capital, information-age visionaries Don Tapscott, David Ticoll, and Alex Lowy describe and explain the b-web phenomenon and the forces behind its emergence.

Creating Value in the Network Economy (1999)

Don’s compilation of all the best articles about the Networked Economy from Harvard Business Review with a sweeping assessment of the big ideas to date and what’s big for the next period. This book holds up amazingly well today.

Blueprint to the Digital Economy (1999)

Building on the message of Don Tapscott’s highly successful book, The Digital Economy, Blueprint to the Digital Economy offers breakthrough insights and strategies designed to help today’s businesses succeed in an emerging and highly competitive digital business environment.

Growing up Digital (1997)

Essential reading for parents, teachers, policy makers, marketers, business leaders, social activists, and others, Growing Up Digital makes a compelling distinction between the passive medium of television and explosion of interactive digital media, sparked by the computer and the Internet.

Who Knows? (1997)

Don teams up with Privacy Expert Ann Cavoukian to explore the implications of the networked world on privacy. A pioneering work two decades before it’s time, it sounded the alarm about the potential changes to our private life.

The Digital Economy (1994)

In this eagerly awaited follow-up to his best-selling book Paradigm Shift, global IT expert Don Tapscott answers the one question that burns on the mind of every forward-looking executive and manager: What does the new technology mean to me and my business?

Paradigm Shift (1993)

Here’s a book that explains how a new era of technology can enable the transition to the new enterprise and business success. It shows managers and professionals with little or no technical background how to take action to achieve short-term benefits of this technology and position their organizations for long-term transformation..

Planning for Integrated Office Systems (1985)

Planning for Integrated Office Systems was a badly timed boot (easily 15 years before its time) explaining how to go about implementing internal collaboration tools within an enterprise.

Office Automation (1981)

The first book to outline the case for the use of multifunction workstations connected to networks, Office Automation argues that computers, that at the time were used purely for data processing, would become communications tools.

Don Tapscott