Global Solution Networks

A Multi-million Dollar Research Program on New Multi-Stakeholder Models for Global Cooperation, Problem Solving and Governance

Program led by Don Tapscott
The institutions and mechanisms responsible for global cooperation at the international level are having increasing difficulty solving global problems—problems like poverty, climate change, access to water and human rights. There is growing urgency to rethink our aging global institutions. Today’s challenges demand solutions that transcend the traditional boundaries of the nation-state—solutions that include authentic citizen voices and new initiatives in social innovation that extend beyond communities and nations to the global stage.

The Martin Prosperity Institute is pleased to announce a new, landmark study of the potential of global web-based networks for cooperation, problem solving and governance. Through a series of major research projects led by global experts, we will identify and explain key issues, strategies and approaches that can help these new multi-stakeholder platforms thrive, scale and become material on the global scene.

Join institutions, corporate partners and individuals from around the world in this program to create a series of publications, tools, video and ultimately a book authored by contributing members, to explore, explain and illustrate emerging models for policy choices and ultimate impact on the problems we collectively face.

The program officially launched on January 29, 2013 at the Martin Prosperity Institute and on June 4, 2013 at the Summit on New Models of Global Problem Solving, Cooperation and Governance hosted by the U.S. State Department.



Pankaj Ghemawat PANKAJ GHEMAWAT Professor, Global Strategy IESE, Barcelona Global Strategist; author of World 3.0
Amit Kapoor AMIT KAPOOR Honorary Chairman Institute for Competitiveness, India


Bruno Lanvin BRUNO LANVIN Executive Director eLab, INSEAD
Anne-Marie Slaughter ANNE-MARIE SLAUGHTER Professor of Politics and International Affairs Princeton University


Lynn St Amour LYNN ST. AMOUR President and CEO Internet Society
Ngaire Woods NGAIRE WOODS Inaugural Dean Blavatnik School of Government Professor, Global Economic Governance
Don Tapscott