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Report: Toward a New Social Contract for the Digital Economy
Published under the Blockchain Research Institute in January 2018, this manifesto for change calls for a new social contract, one that redefines the relationship between individuals in society and the institutions they have created to self-govern.
It looks at the four drivers of this change—the Fourth Industrial Revolution, globalization of ideas and the economy, climate change, and demographic shifts due to war, drought, and oppression. It identifies such global disruptions as structural unemployment and inequality; failing education, healthcare, and research and development; human rights violations; and a biosphere in crisis.
It identifies the four core change makers—the private sector, the state, civil society, and individual citizens in mass collaboration—and it outlines the economic, democratic, social, and scientific elements of this new contract.
Frontmatter Podcast:
Towards a New Social Contract for the Digital Age
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