By Don Tapscott

The Digital Economy Anniversary Edition (2014)

Rethinking Promise and Peril in the Age of Networked Intelligence

The Reality Check on the accelerating Digital Revolution. If you think the last 20 years of the Internet flew by, buckle up for the next 20! A dozen lucid new chapters and brilliant Foreword by Google’s Eric Schmidt.


The most important enabler of social, economic and human development today is a connected world; connecting people to each other, to better sources of information and to new business opportunities. Governments can learn from the Digital Economy how to democratize access to prosperity, minimize social and economic divides and transform government and democracy

– Enrique Peña Nieto, President of Mexico


We’re now into three decades of terrific insights and analysis from Don Tapscott about the digital revolution! Read this book!

– Ajay Banga, President and Chief Executive Officer, Mastercard


20 years ago Don Tapscott showed again that he had his finger on the pulse of the digital world. His new perspective, insights and analysis should be required reading for everyone from students to CEOs.

– Bill McDermott, Chief Executive Officer, SAP


20 years ago HP’s CEO Lew Platt endorsed the Digital Economy saying ‘Read this book. It will scare you and excite you and teach you how to succeed.’ His words were wise then and remain appropriate for today. The anniversary edition shines with important insights.

– Meg Whitman, CEO, HP

Don was one of the first and most important theorists on the importance and impact of networks. The Digital Economy contains important lessons for how we work in a networked age. And, as networks accelerate transformation, his new updates are critical advice for how best to navigate the new world of work.

Reid Hoffman,
Executive Chairman and Co-Founder, LinkedIn

Twenty years of hindsight prove how deeply Tapscott understood the impact the Internet would have on the way we live, work, play and learn. The ‘Age of Networked Intelligence’ he accurately predicted two decades ago is what we call the Internet of Everything, in which all the new and better connections between us are making amazing things happen for people, businesses, communities and countries. This important book, now updated is just as relevant today as it was then.

John Chambers,
Chairman and CEO, Cisco

The digital forces of social media, mobility, cloud computing, robotics and big data will fundamentally change all aspects of our lives. There is no better starting point to understand this shift than Don Tapscott’s prescient Digital Economy. I am happy to see the release Anniversary Edition of Digital Economy. It will benefit many who are trying to fathom the extent of the impact of digital technologies.

N Chandrasekaran,
Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director, Tata Consultancy Services

The Digital Economy was a pioneering work – a watershed. The 20th Anniversary Edition has unsettling reflections on the past and profound insights for our collective future.

Georg Kell,
Executive Director, UN Global Compact

It’s amazing how a single person can influence the course of history. Europe is now committed to evolving a Digital Economy Strategy that can have a material impact on prosperity and our future. This concept originated and dates back to Don Tapscott’s seminal work of 20 years ago.

Ann Mettler,
Executive Director and Co-Founder, The Lisbon Council

It’s amazing how a single person can influence the course of history. Europe is now committed to evolving a Digital Economy Strategy that can have a material impact on prosperity and our future. This concept originated and dates back to Don Tapscott’s seminal work of 20 years ago.

Ann Mettler,
Executive Director and Co-Founder, The Lisbon Council

Don Tapscott defined the digital economy, through which connected individuals and organizations, could transport dominant structures to networks. His concepts of collective intelligence that changes how we innovate, produce, buy, communicate and learn was profound. In this new edition he shows how new generations can shape a sustainable social, technological and economic future. Read this book.

Juan Hurtado,
Chairman, Entel Chile

I still remember reading The Digital Economy two decades ago. It opened my mind to the world of possibilities and threats made possible by a digital world. Today the Anniversary Edition is teeming with fresh insights relevant to business leaders in every industry.

Indra K. Nooyi,
Chairman and CEO, PepsiCo

1994 was a good year. Netscape Navigator and The Digital Economy. With this anniversary edition, Tapscott provides lucid insights for the next stage of these amazing times.

Marc Andreessen,
Co-founder and General Partner, Andreessen Horowitz

Given Don’s foresight over the last 20 years, businesses who do not carefully monitor the trends he outlines about the next few years will do so at their own peril.

Paul Polman,
Chief Executive Officer, Unilever

The Digital Economy was the book that defined the future 20 years ago. Tapscott charted the course in the early days of business on the Internet and this new look forward is equally insightful.

Dave Kepler,
EVP and CIO, Dow Chemical Company

Twenty years ago this book gave us an invaluable and clear roadmap for an emerging revolution. In this timely update, Don Tapscott reminds us how far we have come, but more importantly, the extent of the transformation that still lies ahead.

Dominic Barton,
Chief Executive Officer, McKinsey

It’s hard to believe 20 years have flown by since the publication of The Digital Economy. The prescience of Don Tapscott’s views of how the Internet would change our professional and personal lives was unparalleled. Don and I spent considerable time discussing how the world would transform itself and how I could use this perspective to help transform Oracle. Looking back, I’m thankful to have such a visionary as part of my life.

Raymond Lane,
Former President, Oracle Corporation; Partner Emeritus, Kleiner Perkins Caufield and Byers; Chairman, Carnegie Mellon University

Don Tapscott has produced powerful new insights that make the Anniversary Edition of The Digital Economy worthwhile reading for anyone seeking to understand both the promise and challenges of the digital age.

George Cope,
CEO, Bell Canada

Over the last 20 years, The Digital Economy has had a significant impact on my leadership of, and strategic planning for, Seagate. The new chapters in this 20th anniversary edition once again provide unique insights as to the next evolution of our digital world, and will serve as excellent guideposts for anyone leading a company, or who is responsible for strategy.

Stephen Luczo,
CEO, Seagate

More than 20 years after writing “The Digital Economy,” Don’s thinking on business strategy, organizational transformation and the role of technology in business and society is more relevant than ever. Don gave us a glimpse into our future that has amazingly stood the test of time, and now he’s at it again, pointing the way forward.

Filippo Passerini,
Group President – GBS and CIO, Procter & Gamble

Over the last 20 years, Information is the currency of the 21st century and nobody understands and explains the transformational implications, both wonderful and wicked, better than Don Tapscott.

Tiff Macklem,
Dean of the Rotman School of Management

Twenty years later, Don’s insights into the age of networked intelligence and its impact on industry are like a journey “back to the future”. Today more than ever, technology continues to disrupt the way we manufacture goods, power our communities, treat diseases, and most importantly, interact with each other.

Eric Spiegel,
CEO, Siemens Corporation

As Canada’s Industry Minister through much of the 90’s, Don Tapscott’s “Digital Economy” and earlier “Paradigm Shift” energized me and my officials to try to turn the Canadian Economy on its head! They were mandatory reading for senior staff and caused us to redirect the strategy and resources of our department in fundamental ways. It was early days of the digital revolution, and we were fortunate that Don provided us with such an accurate roadmap to navigate the changing global environment.

John Manley,
President and Chief Executive Officer, Canadian Council of Chief Executives

In this fascinating reflection of predictions and trends from the past 20 years, Don Tapscott continues to provide valuable insights into the opportunities and challenges for business, government and wider society in our increasingly digital and connected world. It is indeed sobering to see how the “age of networked intelligence” is in many ways just beginning to truly transform our world.

David Thodey,
CEO, Telstra

Every business is a digital business, and leaders must take action now to ensure their organizations remain relevant. Don Tapscott offers practical new insights to help us understand and unleash the power of digital.

Pierre Nanterme,
Chairman and CEO, Accenture

The Networked Society has arrived, and there has been no better chronicler and scrutinizer than Don Tapscott. Read this book and heed his advice!

Hans Vestberg,
CEO, Ericsson

Don Tapscott was the first to describe how our shared human experience is being reinvented by the emergence of the digital economy and the networked society in which we live today. Twenty years later Don is as insightful and profound as ever.

Joe Natale,
President and CEO, TELUS

Best Selling Author

Don Tapscott

Don Tapscott is one of the world's leading authorities on innovation, media, and the economic and social impact of technology. Named one of the world's most important living management thinkers by Thinkers50, he advises business and government leaders around the globe. Tapscott is the author or coauthor of some of the most widely read and cited books on technology in society, including Paradigm Shift, Growing Up Digital, Grown Up Digital, The Naked Corporation, Digital Capital, Wikinomics, and Macrowikinomics.

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Don Tapscott