By Don Tapscott, Del Henderson & Morley Greenberg

Planning for Integrated Office Systems (1985)

A Strategic Approach

Planning for Integrated Office (1985) systems was a badly timed boot (easily 15 years before it’s time) explaining how to go about implementing internal collaboration tools within an enterprise. It argued that these systems involve a complete rethinking of how people and organizations collaborate, including redesigning organizational structures and also the physical office environment.

 The book was received badly by some sophisticated critics like Ted Nelson who argued that with the rise of the PC (two years earlier) companies shouldn’t plan such systems but rather empower employees to do their own thing. In hindsight Tapscott concluded that the PC, while positive in getting computers into the hands of everyone, also represented a huge detour. The standalone PC did not communicate, and to Tapscott communications was at the heart of the augmentation of knowledge work.

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Don Tapscott

Don Tapscott is one of the world's leading authorities on innovation, media, and the economic and social impact of technology. Named one of the world's most important living management thinkers by Thinkers50, he advises business and government leaders around the globe. Tapscott is the author or coauthor of some of the most widely read and cited books on technology in society, including Paradigm Shift, Growing Up Digital, Grown Up Digital, The Naked Corporation, Digital Capital, Wikinomics, and Macrowikinomics.

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Don Tapscott