Mihaela Ulieru, PhD, the President of IMPACT Institute for the Digital Economy and Adjunct Research Professor at Carlton University, has reviewed Blockchain Revolution:

I had already read a few superb books about the Blockchain which sparked my imagination with futuristic perspectives on the revolutionary potential of this breakthrough technological platform on which the (in)famous first digital currency, Bitcoin, is still coasting. So, when Don sent me a copy of his last book, Blockchain Revolution, shortly after my article on the matter in the Top 10 was published – once my enthusiastic gratitude damped off a bit – I thought, ‘Why another one?’ What can this book say more than what my favorite ones (among which top are Vigna and Cassey “The Age of Cryptocurrency” and, Melanie Swan “Blockchain: Blueprint for a New Economy”) said already so clearly, so inspirationally, so forward looking! To make sure I can quickly grasp the novelty I decided to skip the first part and began reading from the Transformations part. And with every page my state of awe spiked up rocket style!

Read the review.

Don Tapscott