Big Idea from Dubai: A Global Risk Management Commons

One of the most important sessions at the Global Agenda Council Summit in Dubai addressed the issue of Managing Global Risks.  We are moving into an age where profound threats are emerging to the global economy, society and even the very existence of humanity....

In Dubai Everything is Connected to Everything Else

At the meeting of the Global Agenda Councils in Dubai it seems that everything is connected to everything else.  One day into it my Council on Informed Societies has had joint discussions with at least half a dozen other Councils and many common themes and challenges...

New realities and new risks

I’m enjoying participating in the meeting of the World Economic Forum’s Global Agenda Councils in Dubai.  It goes without saying that the world is a very volatile place and this is a great time of change. There are countless new risks coming from unpredictable...

Young people are the most active online reputation managers

A new report says that a growing portion of adult internet users are concerned about their digital online identity.  More than half (57%) of internet users over age 18 say they have used a search engine to look up their name and see what information was available...

It's a wrap on MacroWikinomics

I should apologize and explain why I haven’t posted anything for a number of weeks.  I’ve been working around-the-clock with co-author Anthony D. Williams on the final draft of MacroWikinomics. This morning the book went into production, meaning it’s pretty much out...
Don Tapscott