Business Articles

SAP: The Transparency Of The Networked Age

With the network age, we have real-time systems that instantly analyze and enable us to evaluate what’s happening and respond infinitely more quickly. We have mobile computing that takes technology, power, information, and the capability of collaboration right out to...

Review of Merger of the Century

Best-selling author, writer and pundit (and dual citizen of both countries) Diane Francis argues that the United States and Canada should unite ASAP. She sets out the economic benefits of joining forces, how the deal could be fairly structured, and the political hurdles to overcome.

SAP Future of Business Series

Don Tapscott joins SAP's Center for Business Insight for a 12 part series on the future of business. Stay tuned through the end of October to complete the series: The Digital Consumer and Rise of a New Paradigm for Marketing 4 Ways Your Customers are Shaping The...

Social Collaboration Platform Dos and Don’ts From HR Tech 2013

At the start of the 2013 HR Technology Conference & Expo, held this week in Las Vegas, keynote speaker Don Tapscott said the world is heading toward a state of “radical openness.” He broke the concept into four characteristics — collaboration, transparency, sharing and empowerment — and recommended companies “undress for success.”

4 Ways Your Customers Are Shaping The Future Of Your Business

This just in: Your customers are no longer trapped on the receiving end of your value chain. With instant access to peer reviews, competitor offerings, and prices, they’re advocating for new products and services while openly and instantly communicating their likes...