Internet Articles

Understanding Coders

The following is a review of Coders: The Making of a New Tribe and the Remaking of the World, by Clive Thompson. The original, abridged version was published last week in the Globe & Mail. Digital technologies surround us, and we all know there are digital...

Don Tapscott in Tech on Politics Podcast

The Internet is entering a second era. We’ve had the Internet of Information. With blockchain we’re seeing the rise of the Internet of Value. There are profound opportunities to improve the economy and also the operations of government. Download the podcast on...

The Blockchain Student Challenge

To All the Aspiring Animators, Graphic Design Students, and Up-And-Coming Filmmakers out there: We at the Tapscott Group are in need of talented, creative individuals to create a 90-to-120 second animation video on the influence of Blockchain technology on the music...

Rethinking Learning for the Networked Age

Don Tapscott, Canadian business executive, best-selling author and new media theorist, speaks about rethinking learning for the networked age at the sold-out ChangSchoolTalks 2016: Experiential Learning in Action event hosted at Ryerson University on February 17, 2016.

Don Tapscott on Digital Disruption

On a recent visit to China, Tapscott, who recently released the 20th anniversary edition of The Digital Economy, talked to CKGSB Knowledge about what the future has in store for us and how we can cope with the disruptions caused by technology. Read the full interview...

Don Tapscott