Internet Articles

SXSW Preview: Reality Check: The Dark Side of Digital Economy

Not everything I’ve written holds up well. But in re-reading the Digital Economy for 20th Anniversary edition re-write, I’m both struck by how the book has withstood the test of time, and deeply concerned about where we have arrived. The subtitle of the book was...

Keynote Address: Emerging Issues NC

Don Tapscott was the keynote speaker at the North Carolina Emerging Issues Forum. The forum featured some of the world's top thinkers about the future to speak on the state of innovation, from business to education to health. Don spoke about trends in the innovation...

Ericsson: Acting fast in the continually evolving digital economy

Pamela Mallette, new business growth driver for Ericsson's OSS/BSS, interviewed Don Tapscott to ask When we look into the past, we can’t help but also look into the future and ask ourselves: How will these changes carry on and develop into the future? And what...

No Middleman Is Safe In the Digital Economy

Canadian Business Magazine profiled Don Tapscott's reflections on the middleman and how to find places for growth in the digital economy. When Don Tapscott’s The Digital Economy: Promise and Peril in the Age of the Networked Economy was published in 1994,...

Irish Times: Digital Economy “An extraordinarily prescient book”

Irish Times author Karlin Lillington interviewed Don Tapscott about the Anniversary Edition of the Digital Economy, a book he refers to as 'extraordinarily prescient'. . . . you will read on-the-mark observations and possible future scenarios that have come to...

Don Tapscott